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2/16/2004 I don't do much media critiquing but found this interesting tidbit in the national syndicates: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2004/02/13/international2119EST6274.DTL The interesting thing about this is that they take the message of the communique and obviously change it. It took me all of two minutes to find this glaring error, I'm sure there are others that exist I would have found if I had taken the time. If you look at the closing of the article it says: " "Ten years after the beginning of the war against oblivion ... (we) salute the memories of those Zapatistas, most of whom were poor Indians, who died in Indian villages for ...," it concludes. " Then if you read the actual communique it says: "[...]Chiapas indigenous in the majority, who died for the Indian peoples and for? Democracy! Liberty! Justice!" or if you can translate the smallest bit of Spanish it seems even more clear: "[...]INDÍGENAS CHIAPANECOS EN SU MAYORÍA, QUE MURIERON POR LOS PUEBLOS INDIOS Y POR ... ¡DEMOCRACIA! ¡LIBERTAD! ¡JUSTICIA!" The AP article concludes that this is a statement that perhaps these people died in vain. Looks to me like Marcos was incorporating the shout for democracy, liberty and justice into the closing not, as ALEJANDRO RUIZ of the AP would have you believe, a statement of bitterness or resignation. Check out the latest communique from Marcos here: http://chiapas.mediosindependientes.org/display.php3?article_id=107303 |